
Man Week Day 7


Well, Man week is over, and I hope you enjoyed the facts, we'll get back to our regular daily facts tomarrow, but i just want to end Man Week off with THIS fact:

All men are extremely busy.
Although they are so busy, they still have time for women.
Although they have time for women, they don't really care for them.

Although they don't really care for them, they always have one around.

Although they always have one around them, they always try their luck with others.

Although they try their luck with others, they get really pissed off if the woman leaves them.

Although the woman leaves them they still don't learn from their mistakes and still try their luck with others.

The most important thing for a woman is financial security.

Although this is so important, they still go out and buy expensive clothes and stuff.

Although they always buy expensive clothes, they never have something to wear.
Although they never have something to wear, they always dress beautifully.

Although they always dress beautifully, their clothes are always just "an old rag".

Although their clothes are always "just an old rag", they still expect you to compliment them.

Although they expect you to compliment them, when you do, they don't believe you.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Man Week Day 6

Day 6

Some Facts About Exercise

Some facts about exercise:
  1. There is no difference between stronger, larger, and firmer muscles. Those three go hand in hand. It is simply untrue that one kind of exercise will build a different kind of muscle than another. The only three variables you can influence with any type of exercise are: muscle mass, muscle shape, and the amount of body fat.
  2. Each pound of muscle (1 pound = 0.45 kilograms) burns 75-100 calories every day simply by being.
  3. A pound of body fat stores 3500 calories.
  4. Your muscles do not grow during exercise. Exercise is only the stimulus. The body strengthens the muscles while you are resting.
  5. The amount of rest needed in order for muscles to grow depends on their current size. The larger it is, the more it needs to rest. Gym beginners should rest at least two days between exercise. After a year in the gym you should probably rest three days. And so on. By exercising every day you are hurting your body and retarding muscle growth!
  6. The only way that you can know that you have stimulated the muscles enough is to train to failure. If, after some number of repetitions, the muscle is unable to move for 15 seconds even though you are willing it to, then you know that you have  provided maximum stimuli.
  7. Your body doesn't care if you muscle failed after five repetitions of an exercise or after 50. Use the weight that allows you to do 4-8 repetitions for maximum safety and time efficiency. And there is no reason to do more than one set.
  8. You can hurt yourself during exercise if you apply excessive force to your muscles. The force when lifting a weight is F = m*(a + g), where m is the mass of the weight, a is the acceleration, and g is the force of gravity. Mass usually doesn't vary greatly. If you can lift 100 pounds 10 times, the max you can lift once is 133 pounds. A 33 percent  increase. However, people who use quick, jerky movements experience the acceleration differences of over 400 percent. So work very slowly. Raise the weight for ten seconds and lower it for ten seconds.
  9. There is a myth that says that "aerobic" exercise is good for you heart. But if you keep breaks during exercise very short (~ 1 minute), your pulse should be at 120-180, exactly what people try to achieve with "aerobic" exercise.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Man Week Day 5



Lot's of men LOVE football, it's a pretty big sport, now we know that Montreal won the grey cup this year, so today, there will be some facts for Montreal AND football.

  • Montreal is the largest city in the Canadian province of Quebec.

  • Montreal is the second-largest city in Canada. Its status of being the largest city was taken by Toronto in the 1970s.

  • Montreal was initially called Ville-Marie (City of Mary). It was in 1775 that the city became known by its original name.

  • The official language of Montreal, as defined by the city's charter, is French.

    Did you know :
    #1.That the Green bay Packers were the first team to win the first two Super bowls, the years were 1967 and 1968. It took them 30 years to win the Super bowl again.
    #2.A football is 11 to 11 3/4 inches long and weighs 14 to 15 ounce.

    #3.In the old days footballs were made of pig skin.

    #4 The home team must provide the referee with 24 footballs for each national football league game.

    #5 A forfeited game in baseball is recorded as a 9-0 score. In football in is 2-0.

    #6 The mall of America in Bloomington. Minnesota is the size of 78 football fields: 9.5 million square feet.

  • Thursday, December 2, 2010

    Man Week Day 4

    Day 4

    Hello Readers, I am surprised at how many people have viewed my blog, I hope you're enjoying man week!!! If you have been sending me emails with your facts and don't see them yet, that's because I haven't checked my email yet.  

    Lot's of men LOVE hockey, it's got violence, drama, and suspense, and even COMEDY!!!

    Hockey Facts

    1. The first year a formal ice hockey game was played on record was 1855 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Hockey was adapted from the Native American game of lacrosse to play on a frozen ice surface.
    2. In 1917 the NHL began with the following “Original Six” teams: Boston Bruins, Chicago Blackhawks, Detroit Red Wings, New York Rangers, Montreal Canadiens, and Toronto Maple Leafs.
    3. Billy Coutu received a lifetime suspension for assaulting referee Jerry LaFlamme and assistant Billy Bell after the last game of the 1927 finals.
    4. Phil Esposito of the Boston Bruins was the first player to record 100 points in the NHL - March 2, 1969.

    Well, that's it for today's post, remember, if you have some facts, just EMAIL them to me or check out the facts forum. 

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010

    Man Week Day 3

    Day 3

    Well, it's day THREE of man week, and we got 4 more days to go.  Now, the fact files has gone through a few changes like the new menu bar, you can check out all the site updates by visiting the UPDATES BLOG page.

    The strongest man in the world:

    An Air Malta Airbus A320 180-seater aircraft, bearing registration 9H-AEN and weighing 45 tonnes, took centre stage yesterday during The World’s Strongest Man competition currently being held in Malta
    As part of the competition the final 10 athletes were timed during the pulling of the aircraft along a 25 meter-long stretch of runway.

    The event will be aired in the coming months on international cable and satellite channels and is expected to have an audience of 85 million spectators in 70 countries.

    Tuesday, November 30, 2010

    Man week day 2

    DAY 2

    PS: hover mouse over underlined words to read text about that word

    Welcome again men, we continue man week with a video and some facts about SHAVING
    1. While shaving, a person removes about as much skin as hair.  
    2. It is estimated that 90% of all adult males shave at least once a day.  
    3. It is also estimated that a man will shave at least 20,000 times in his lifetime.  
    4. In general a person produces new skin cells every 10 to 20 days


    How many times a week do you shave?




    Monday, November 29, 2010

    Man Week begins TODAY

    day 1

    We start off this week with a very interesting observation.  What is the smelliest body part on a man? Now some people would say their armpits (well, most people actually) and some people would say their feet (not very many though).  Well, the truth is, it’s a matter of opinion, some people say the scalp is the smelliest part on a man.  Well here is the top 3 smelliest parts of a man.

    1. THE GROIN

    The pubic area is an odor hot spot. It is warm, sweaty and has a good amount of glands and hair follicles. It is prone to infections, particularly in the vagina. It rarely gets exposed to the open air and is often covered over with synthetic unbreathable clothing that traps moisture and bacteria.

    BO Busters
    • Use fragrance-free cornstarch powder to keep the area dry
    • Wear natural fiber or wicking clothing
    • Go commando when you can
    • Avoid covering up odor with perfumes, which don't kill the odor-causing bacteria


    This area is the first place we think of when we think of body odor. It has a dense patch of hair and is loaded with sweat glands. People of European or African descent have many apocrine sweat glands, and East Asians have fewer.

    BO Busters
    • Use underarm deodorants that contain alcohol or other agents that kill bacteria or rub a crystal rock deodorant composed of mineral salts
    • Use an antiperspirant which reduces moisture (Tip: apply antiperspirants at night when you sweat less for maximum absorption into pores)
    • Shave, wax or laser underarm hair
    • Avoid using harsh body soaps that wash away the natural barrier that protects against bacterial growth
    • Avoid masking over odors with synthetic fragrances

    3. THE FEET

    It's no wonder that feet smell. As soon as man donned shoes to better traverse the terrain, we prevented the evaporation of a quart of sweat released from thousands of sweat glands each day. Closing up the feet creates a dark, moist, warm environment that bacteria love.

    BO Busters
    • Wear socks made of cotton or other wicking material that can absorb perspiration
    • Use dehydrating foot powder and footpads that contain activated charcoal that absorbs odor
    • Use a tea soak 30 minutes every day for a week to allow tea tannins to constrict sweat pores
    • Go barefoot or wear open sandals when you can
    • Try adding a few drops of essential oils such as tea tree, sage and clove to a footbath containing arrowroot and baking soda
    • Rub some rubbing alcohol on feet at bedtime


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