Monday, November 29, 2010

Man Week begins TODAY

day 1

We start off this week with a very interesting observation.  What is the smelliest body part on a man? Now some people would say their armpits (well, most people actually) and some people would say their feet (not very many though).  Well, the truth is, it’s a matter of opinion, some people say the scalp is the smelliest part on a man.  Well here is the top 3 smelliest parts of a man.


The pubic area is an odor hot spot. It is warm, sweaty and has a good amount of glands and hair follicles. It is prone to infections, particularly in the vagina. It rarely gets exposed to the open air and is often covered over with synthetic unbreathable clothing that traps moisture and bacteria.

BO Busters

  • Use fragrance-free cornstarch powder to keep the area dry

  • Wear natural fiber or wicking clothing

  • Go commando when you can

  • Avoid covering up odor with perfumes, which don't kill the odor-causing bacteria


This area is the first place we think of when we think of body odor. It has a dense patch of hair and is loaded with sweat glands. People of European or African descent have many apocrine sweat glands, and East Asians have fewer.

BO Busters

  • Use underarm deodorants that contain alcohol or other agents that kill bacteria or rub a crystal rock deodorant composed of mineral salts

  • Use an antiperspirant which reduces moisture (Tip: apply antiperspirants at night when you sweat less for maximum absorption into pores)

  • Shave, wax or laser underarm hair

  • Avoid using harsh body soaps that wash away the natural barrier that protects against bacterial growth

  • Avoid masking over odors with synthetic fragrances


It's no wonder that feet smell. As soon as man donned shoes to better traverse the terrain, we prevented the evaporation of a quart of sweat released from thousands of sweat glands each day. Closing up the feet creates a dark, moist, warm environment that bacteria love.

BO Busters

  • Wear socks made of cotton or other wicking material that can absorb perspiration

  • Use dehydrating foot powder and footpads that contain activated charcoal that absorbs odor

  • Use a tea soak 30 minutes every day for a week to allow tea tannins to constrict sweat pores

  • Go barefoot or wear open sandals when you can

  • Try adding a few drops of essential oils such as tea tree, sage and clove to a footbath containing arrowroot and baking soda

  • Rub some rubbing alcohol on feet at bedtime


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